miércoles, 3 de mayo de 2017

My favourite piece of technology?

If I had to choose my favourite piece of technology I would certainly choose my cell phone, nowadays it is undeniable that all have developed a dependency for them, because in the past mobile phones worked only as a means of communication, but now they fulfill more and more functions, We can play online games, post on our social networks, or take great pictures, while they more develop they have more control over our lives. I had my first cell phone when I was about 13 years old, and the present one  maybe a couple of months ago because I lost the last one, at the moment that I lost it  I realized that  I needed it, not only to listen to music or distract me,  because I needed to  get in contact with my classmates, my family and that I use it from the time that I wake up until I go to sleep,  and it is true, I like it for its  functions and Its portable size, but I hate the way how I depend of them, imagine if mobiles phones  disappear the way of communication will change radically, maybe for bad or perhaps  for good after all probably without cell phones we would recuperate a little part of our  humanity.
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5 comentarios:

  1. When my cell phone disappear i feel like a part of me dissapear, i'm addicted :(

  2. Cell phones are necessary, but it's good switch off sometimes :)

  3. Hi! I agree with you, I need my cell phone for everythings, specially listening to music

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. Is also my favourite piece of technology! Nothing can replace this device...


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