miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2017


Resultado de imagen para when you arrive home and your dogNowadays pets are a important part of our live, they  give  company to us like a loyal partner,  if I have any pet?, well, now I have a dog, She is more or less one year old,  and her name is Haru that's mean spring  in japanese,  I choose  her name with  my cousin's help, our inspiration was a movie "Haru in the cat's kindom" because at the moment that we adopted, we have two cat's. Although I have a dog, I prefer cats, why? because they are more peaceful than dogs, until now is difficult to me arrive to my  home without  be atack by Haru. Over my entire life I had a lots of differents pets and my favorite one always was the cat, but  I would like to have a fox like my pet, they see like the perfect combination between cats and dogs, probably  these dream will never became true but I don't  lose anything dreaming. 
A fox is without dude a exotic pet, at least at this country, and,  can be contradictory but I don't like the people that have some exotic pets, I mean a  exotic animal  like a endangered species.
Resultado de imagen para gif fox

2 comentarios:

  1. I don`t agree, i don't think that a fox is like a cat and dog :/

  2. Is a really good juamp of the fox in the gif jaja very funny.


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