miércoles, 26 de abril de 2017

How did I choose this career?

Each children dream with some spectacular job, maybe like be an spy or an explorer, but   I didn’t want to be not one of that,  not for real,   I wanted  some more classic career?, No, actually I liked  a lots  of thing, but I didn’t love nothing, I  never choose none. Maybe the most close to a job choose was when, after reading year by year fantastic stories I thought: “ maybe I can be a writer”, because that thought , now I  have  a few of short story  wrote by me.  However, the time past, and I discover that writing is not for me, and I become closer for the science area, until the day  that  PSU score was  reveal I didn’t have an idea of my choice, but  I searched  in internet  an selected  a health  care career, in this way I started to studied odontology,  the first option in the list  I made  , (the second one was something related to chemistry), I didn’t really know a lot  about in the beginning, but   in this time,  I discover  that  I like  the odontology, although I suffer with tests.  In the future, I want use my knowledge to help people with their heath, maybe I’ll have my own dental clinic.

Resultado de imagen para libros magia

3 comentarios:

  1. If you finish, i would like read your story one day ;)

  2. Remember that I wanted to be a writer! and I did not put it on my blog

  3. It would be interesting to read some of your stories :)


About this blog?

Wrote for the English blog, was a curios experience, I need to admit that I hate had to do a  count in blog page  for this, because this wi...