miércoles, 12 de abril de 2017

Blog Session 1: "My Autobiography"

First that anything, welcome to Across The Oceans, My blog. But who am I?
To start I'll introduce my self. My name is Isabella  Chacana, I'm 19 years old, I don't have brothers or sisters, I only live with my grandma, but we don't feel lonely because my aunt and my cousin are our neighbors, although I can't visit them all days because I don't have such more time  with the university, by the way I'm studying odontology in the universdad the Chile, after studied in a lot of schools in a couple of cities, because in spite of I born in Antogafasta I wasn’t live there  all most than a year, and then my family and I move away to Concepcion for another couple of years.
What more can I tell you about me?
I love cats, my favorite book are the count of Montecristo, and  I waste my  free time watching anime or reading manga .  <3

That’s all that I can tell you now,  if you have any question ask me ;)

1 comentario:

About this blog?

Wrote for the English blog, was a curios experience, I need to admit that I hate had to do a  count in blog page  for this, because this wi...