miércoles, 7 de junio de 2017

Favorite series?

Resultado de imagen para noragami gif peleaWhen someone ask me about my favorite series  automatically I fotgot all series that  I have been see in my life, because although I don’t  watch Tv  I follow so much series in the internet, not only  American’s series, even anime series, so choose my favorite one is impossible. But one of the anime series that I like, the name of this series is “Noragami”, I like this series because make me laugh and at the same time is so  good animated. The story of “Noragami” is about a Japanese god and his meting with a normal girl, that  died  trying to save him from a bus.   “Noragami”  like most of  series that  I follow have a lot of comedy, with some fantasy  and a few of romance, I enjoy that king of series specially  if the characters  have a good design. A serie that y haven’t seen but  I would like to? Breaking bad because my friends tell me that is a good story,  and reproaching me  whenever  we talk about Tv show.
Resultado de imagen para noragami gifResultado de imagen para noragami gif pelea

2 comentarios:

  1. Breaking bad is the best of the world! haha You should watch it!

  2. I thinks I will see this anime serie, sound really good!


About this blog?

Wrote for the English blog, was a curios experience, I need to admit that I hate had to do a  count in blog page  for this, because this wi...