miércoles, 14 de junio de 2017

a person that I admire?

Prof. Mario Díaz Dosque, académico del Departamento de Ciencias Físicas y Químicas de la Facultad de Odontología.Is a difficult question to  answer, because when  I look around  me,  I see all me teachers  and  how  cool in their  field they are, but of course I actually  only speak with a few  teachers, today I’ll talk about one of this teachers, his name is Mario Diaz, he is a doctor in engineering science with mention in materials, he applicate his mentions in odontology investigations, creating for example “blueremin”. “blueremin” is a liquid that stop the advance of a caries. But I admire him not only for this reason, last year I have chemistry class with him, and I like the way that  he explain us the contents, for example one day to teach us the way that hydroxyapatite resist  the  force, he said is like the  noodles, you only can break a handful of noodles if you apply a transversal force, you never will break it if you apply that force in the front of that handful of noodles.  Until today I remember his class,  I think Iearn  so much with his examples and I enjoy this learning  although  chemistry was not my better subject.
Resultado de imagen para hidroxiapatita microscopia electronicaImagen relacionada

4 comentarios:

  1. i remember that history about the noodles! i was there with you LOL.

  2. I also like the way that he explain us, because I really understand the contents


  3. I also liked how the teacher explained his classes, they were entertaining

  4. The classes of this teacher were very good, but the power points he used were awful.


About this blog?

Wrote for the English blog, was a curios experience, I need to admit that I hate had to do a  count in blog page  for this, because this wi...