miércoles, 31 de mayo de 2017

a funy story

The past summer my best friend and I went in a  trip  to the north of the contry, it was  a  long trip with a lot time  in buses. If you have already  been traveling  for a lot of  hours  in a bus, you'll know that is a torture after the second hour, is to boring if you have nothing to do, and this  photograph  is the proof. It was taken after wait the  bus for more or less two hours, because its come late, so when it arrive, we had nothing best to do that take picture each other, and made this comic or mosaic. The idea of the Zuko come because when we made the juice the smell was so delicious, so Zuko was like our drug and we did this comic trafficing  juice. Beside we  were laughing a lot, like if we were consumed some narcotic or something like that, why we were laughing? well, one of the reason was that we run across  all Antofagasta believing that were late, but when we arrived the bus still  didn't arrived. I like this photo because reflex the good time that we passed that summer, all that we laughed dispite the exahusting that the trip was, and because was our first trip together .

miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2017


Resultado de imagen para when you arrive home and your dogNowadays pets are a important part of our live, they  give  company to us like a loyal partner,  if I have any pet?, well, now I have a dog, She is more or less one year old,  and her name is Haru that's mean spring  in japanese,  I choose  her name with  my cousin's help, our inspiration was a movie "Haru in the cat's kindom" because at the moment that we adopted, we have two cat's. Although I have a dog, I prefer cats, why? because they are more peaceful than dogs, until now is difficult to me arrive to my  home without  be atack by Haru. Over my entire life I had a lots of differents pets and my favorite one always was the cat, but  I would like to have a fox like my pet, they see like the perfect combination between cats and dogs, probably  these dream will never became true but I don't  lose anything dreaming. 
A fox is without dude a exotic pet, at least at this country, and,  can be contradictory but I don't like the people that have some exotic pets, I mean a  exotic animal  like a endangered species.
Resultado de imagen para gif fox

miércoles, 3 de mayo de 2017

My favourite piece of technology?

If I had to choose my favourite piece of technology I would certainly choose my cell phone, nowadays it is undeniable that all have developed a dependency for them, because in the past mobile phones worked only as a means of communication, but now they fulfill more and more functions, We can play online games, post on our social networks, or take great pictures, while they more develop they have more control over our lives. I had my first cell phone when I was about 13 years old, and the present one  maybe a couple of months ago because I lost the last one, at the moment that I lost it  I realized that  I needed it, not only to listen to music or distract me,  because I needed to  get in contact with my classmates, my family and that I use it from the time that I wake up until I go to sleep,  and it is true, I like it for its  functions and Its portable size, but I hate the way how I depend of them, imagine if mobiles phones  disappear the way of communication will change radically, maybe for bad or perhaps  for good after all probably without cell phones we would recuperate a little part of our  humanity.
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About this blog?

Wrote for the English blog, was a curios experience, I need to admit that I hate had to do a  count in blog page  for this, because this wi...