miércoles, 26 de abril de 2017

How did I choose this career?

Each children dream with some spectacular job, maybe like be an spy or an explorer, but   I didn’t want to be not one of that,  not for real,   I wanted  some more classic career?, No, actually I liked  a lots  of thing, but I didn’t love nothing, I  never choose none. Maybe the most close to a job choose was when, after reading year by year fantastic stories I thought: “ maybe I can be a writer”, because that thought , now I  have  a few of short story  wrote by me.  However, the time past, and I discover that writing is not for me, and I become closer for the science area, until the day  that  PSU score was  reveal I didn’t have an idea of my choice, but  I searched  in internet  an selected  a health  care career, in this way I started to studied odontology,  the first option in the list  I made  , (the second one was something related to chemistry), I didn’t really know a lot  about in the beginning, but   in this time,  I discover  that  I like  the odontology, although I suffer with tests.  In the future, I want use my knowledge to help people with their heath, maybe I’ll have my own dental clinic.

Resultado de imagen para libros magia

miércoles, 12 de abril de 2017

Blog Session 1: "My Autobiography"

First that anything, welcome to Across The Oceans, My blog. But who am I?
To start I'll introduce my self. My name is Isabella  Chacana, I'm 19 years old, I don't have brothers or sisters, I only live with my grandma, but we don't feel lonely because my aunt and my cousin are our neighbors, although I can't visit them all days because I don't have such more time  with the university, by the way I'm studying odontology in the universdad the Chile, after studied in a lot of schools in a couple of cities, because in spite of I born in Antogafasta I wasn’t live there  all most than a year, and then my family and I move away to Concepcion for another couple of years.
What more can I tell you about me?
I love cats, my favorite book are the count of Montecristo, and  I waste my  free time watching anime or reading manga .  <3

That’s all that I can tell you now,  if you have any question ask me ;)

About this blog?

Wrote for the English blog, was a curios experience, I need to admit that I hate had to do a  count in blog page  for this, because this wi...